LTS5 - LoRa/LoRaWAN HMI Touch Screen
Product omschrijving
LTS5 is a LoRa / LoRaWAN HMI Touch Screen designed for display purpose of an IoT project. It has a 5.0" HMI touch screen and supports WiFi, Bluetooth and LoRa. The MCU is ESP32 and the LoRa module is Dragino LA66. The LA66 can be programmed for private loRA or for LoRaWAN.
The HMI touch screen of LTS5 supports drag & drop design. You can use SquareLine to easily customize the display user interface for different applications. SquareLine is free for personal use. The Dragino user manual describes in detail how to use SquareLine for LTS5. Example projects include LoRa Central Display and LoRaWAN RS485 Alarm.
More information is available on the website of Dragino.